Forms & Instructions


To facilitate the submission of notifications of final regulatory action and the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention, and help Focal points, Ad Hoc expert Groups and Legal and Technical working group to fulfill their tasks, the Secretariat has developed specific forms.


Notification form, information for Movement document and designation forms


The Secretariat has streamlined processes to support the implementation of Article 6 of the Convention. This article plays a crucial role in addressing climate change and fostering global cooperation.

Specifically, it focuses on education and outreach, recognizing that informed individuals can contribute significantly to climate action.

Forms serve as a structured mechanism for reporting and documenting regulatory decisions to facilitate the submission of notifications related to final regulatory actions, and to support Focal Points, Ad Hoc Expert Groups, and Legal and Technical Working Groups.




Focal point

As described in Article 15 of the text of the convention, the Parties shall designate one focal point. The focal point is usually a government agency or department with responsibilities related to environmental protection, hazardous waste management, or a related field.

Ad Hoc Expert Group

The Terms of Reference of the AHEG-LC require each Party to designate a suitable representative and alternate to the AHEG-LC who may be accompanied by other experts and advisers appointed by that Party. With regard to the scope and object of the Bamako convention, the Parties may wish to nominate knowledgeable and experienced experts in fields such as insurance, law, environmental law, liabilities and compensations, etc.

Legal and Technical Working Group

The Terms of Reference of the LTWG require each Party to designate a suitable representative and alternate to the Legal and Technical Working Group (LTWG) who may be accompanied by other experts and advisers appointed by that Party.  With regard to the scope and object of the Bamako convention, the Parties may wish to nominate knowledgeable and experienced experts in fields such as law, environmental law, chemistry, chemical engineering, waste management, environment, etc.


Transboundary Movement and Notification Procedures


Article 6 - Transboundary Movement and Notification Procedures 111 

The State of export shall notify, or shall require the generator or exporter to notify, in writing, through the channel of the competent authority of the State of export, the competent authority of the States concerned of any proposed transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. Such notification shall contain the declarations and information specified in Annex IV A of this Convention, written in a language acceptable to the State of import. Only one notification needs to be sent to each State concerned. 

The Parties to this Convention shall require that each person who takes charge of a transboundary movement of hazardous wastes sign the movement document either upon delivery or receipt of the wastes in question. (Annex IV B). 


The information required on the movement document shall where possible be integrated into one document with that required under transport rules. Where this is not possible, the information should complement rather than duplicate that required under the transport rules. The movement document shall carry instructions as to who is to provide information and fill-out any form.

ANNEX IV A - Notification form (doc)

ANNEX IV B - Information for Movement Document (doc)

Designation form – Competent Authorities, Focal Point and Dumpwatch (doc)

Designation form – Ad Hoc Experts Group on Liabilities and Compensation (doc)

Designation form – Legal and technical working group (doc)